Cornerstone: A Policy Dialogue for Teacher Education in SEAMEO

Education leaders from Southeast Asian countries gathered for the event “Cornerstone: A Policy Dialogue for Teacher Education across Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Member Countries” from September 25 to 26 at the Manila Hotel.

The overarching theme, “Fostering Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Building a Community of Educators Across SEAMEO Member Countries”, served as a foundational principle guiding of the discussions such as Effective Recruiting Strategies: Attracting Committed Individuals in the Teaching Profession; Professional Formation for Pre-service Teachers: Leveraging Experiential Learning Through Local and International Internship Programs; Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program: Advancing Professional Development for In-service Teachers; and Making Teacher Education a First Choice Profession within and across SEAMEO Member Countries among others.

“We shall be anticipating reforms in the professional formation for pre-service teachers” according to the Executive Director of the Teacher Education Council, Dr. Jennie Jocson.

In the two-day event, participants shared valuable insights into the current state of teacher education in their countries, discussing challenges, best practices, and emerging trends attended by the College of Innovative Teacher Education (CITE) – Higher School ng UMak Principal, Assoc. Prof. Laarni Evelyn Santiago and CITE Program Director in Teacher Quality and Experiential Learning, Assoc. Prof. Tomasa Quiñones.

The event aimed to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing among educators, ultimately strengthening the region’s teaching profession. It ensured graduates acquire the skills needed for 21st-century demands while fostering partnerships among SEAMEO member countries to share resources, expertise, and effective strategies.


Written by: Assoc. Prof. Tomasa Quiñones