News and Updates from the Center for Linkages, Career Development and Placement

Tag Archive for: Center for Linkages Career Development and Placement


IN PHOTOS: CLCDP 2020 Events Gallery

Here's the highlights and events on Center for Linkages, Career Development and Placements in 2020 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Auctor urna nunc…

4th UMak, Doshisha University and Kwansei Gakuin University – JPN | PHL Language and Culture Exchange Program


Real Life-UMak Partnership Formalized

After more than a decade of awarding academic scholarships to qualified and deserving UMak students, Real LIFE Foundation (RLFI) has finally signed a Memorandum of Agreement this month with the university through the Office of the Vice President…

Virtual Career Employment and Planning Conference (CEPCON)

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in drastic changes in employment around the world. Thus, the very first virtual Career Employment and Planning Conference of University of Makati (UMak) with the theme, “Preparing Yourself for the Job…

The PBS x University Of Makati Inks Partnership to Promote PSA’s National ID

UNIVERSITY NEWS Philippine Broadcasting Service signs partnership with the University of Makati in the promotion of the National Identification System. Mr. George C. Arceño, Jr., Focal Projects Head and Mr. Earl Jan S. Ogremin, Focal…

The Industry Partners Recognition Day 2020

The Industry Partners Recognition Day (IPRD) brings together UMak partners to rekindle and strengthen bonds, at the same time, pay tribute and thank them for their significant contributions to the University’s and the City’s mandate for…