The Center for Alumni Affairs opens its nominations for this year’s REMARKABLE ALUMNI HERONS AWARDS (RAHA) 2023!
Nominations are open until FEBRUARY 16, 2023.
Please carefully read through the Eligibility Criteria, Nomination Process, and Criteria for Judging before proceeding with the nomination.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Nominees must have at least one degree, certificate or high school diploma from the University of Makati and have graduated on or before Second Semester of Academic Year 2018-2019.
- Nominees must have achieved a high level of success within their chosen field of endeavor, which is exemplified by having attained increasingly responsible positions, and having been recognized by the community.
- The nominee must NOT be a full-time employee of the University of Makati for the last five (5) years.
- Nominator MUST BE an alumnus/alumna, staff, or current student of the University of Makati or employee of the City Government of Makati.
- Nominator must NOT BE a 1st or 2nd degree relative of the nominee. (1st Degree: parent, sibling, or child/2nd Degree: uncle, aunt, grandparent, grandchild, niece/nephew, or half-sibling.)
Nomination Process:
- Step 1: Examine the eligibility criteria located at the first page of this form or the nomination standards;
- Step 2: Select all the qualified candidates;
- Step 3: The nominators must fill up the nomination form;
- Step 4: A current resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee must also be submitted;
- Step 5: Nominations must be submitted on or before February 16, 2023.
- Step 6: The nominees must prepare all of the following video/s or photos of all the achievements with the following arrangement:
Achievements in a chosen profession or chosen field/s
Leadership in any organization
Community volunteerism service
Involvement to the UMak as an alumnus/alumna. - Step 7: The screening process will be done and the shortlisted nominees will be interviewed.
- Step 8: The selected RAHA (Remarkable Alumni Heron Awardees) will be awarded plaques of recognition and gifts during the awarding ceremonies.
Criteria for Judging:
The selection team bases its decision on e-portfolio, oral or written information provided. A complete application should address all the categories with specific examples and documents (picture and video) in each of the following:
- Achievement: How has the nominee demonstrated achievements and/or accomplishments his/her profession or chosen career. Have s/he received honors from an internationally acclaimed agency, association, or employer current or former employer?
- Leadership: How has the nominee exhibited outstanding leadership and character in his/her career, profession, community, and personal life?
- Community: What service(s) and contribution(s) has the nominee made to the community through civic, charitable, business, professional, or other means?
- Involvement in her/his alma mater: How has the nominee upheld the mission and vision of UMak or how does the nominee contribute to the education of UMak’s students?
- Other: Please provide any other information pertinent to this award nomination.