IN PHOTOS: Philippine Open Government Partnership Program (PH-OGP)
CTHM – Department Chairperson for Tourism Program Prof. Philip Renales Peralta discussed and presented the insights representing the academe cluster in the Consultation Workshop on the Preparation of the Joint Memorandum Circular under the “Philippine Open Government Partnership Program (PH-OGP) held last October 17 – 19, 2022 at Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City.
This event was organized by the Department of Tourism headed by Mr. Ramil S. Basuel, Senior Tourism Officer of DOT under the Office of Tourism Development Planning, Research and Information Management with the objective of consulting different tourism stakeholders including the academe in various recommendations for improvements of the draft JMC, key issues on the implementation and discussions of monitoring and evaluation of the said memorandum.
The presentation focused on the clarification of Civil Society Organization roles in the planning continuous program and the provision of guidelines for essential participation of the local citizens in the tourism development.