Students Advised to Wear Uniform in 2nd Sem, AY ‘23-‘24: Policy Implementation in Full Swing
With the approval of the Office of the Vice President for Student Services and Community Development (OVPSSCD), the Center for Student Formation and Discipline (CSFD) and Occupational Health and Safety Office (OHSO) advise all students to wear the prescribed student uniform, effective this coming Second Semester of the academic year 2023-2024, as announced by the University Student Multimedia Organization (USMO) on their Facebook page.
The advisory was issued “following a dialogue with key stakeholders regarding Security and Student Discipline matters related to the full implementation of the Student Uniform Policy and associated issues”.
The announcement was released a few weeks ahead of the start of the semester to give students ample time to prepare their uniforms. The post also mentioned that deputized security guards will strictly issue citation slips for failure to wear the proper uniform, without accepting any excuses. Nevertheless, the CSFD may process requests for exemptions in accordance with the current policy.
For reference, the recent Student Handbook can be accessed at (JR Grate/CIC)