Admissions for Academic Year 2023-2024, Online Registration and Submission of Requirements Schedule has been ended for Grade 11 (Senior High School), Incoming College Freshmen, Local Transferees, and Second Coursers. Please visit and refresh this page regularly for updates.
Hi Aspirant Herons!
Admissions for Academic Year 2023-2024, Online Registration and Submission of Requirements Schedule has been ended for Grade 11 (Senior High School), Incoming College Freshmen, Local Transferees, and Second Coursers.
For those who submitted and completed the requirements, check the information below for the next steps for becoming a fully pledged Heron.
Please visit and refresh this page regularly for updates.
Senior High School (Higher School ng UMak)
The online application and submission of admission requirements for incoming Grade 11 are already CLOSED.
The list of pre-qualified students was already forwarded to the Higher School ng UMak (HSU). Please wait for an e-mail from HSU regarding the screening schedule.
Please take note that pre-qualified students were those applicants who were able to submit the complete copy of admission requirements from January 9 to February 19, 2023, and met the General Weighted Average (GWA) requirement of 85.00% or higher. Also, the top 1,500 applicants will be considered after the screening.
For the list of pre-qualified students, click to expand the list below:
Senior High School Pre-qualifers
- Senior High School Pre-qualifiers (As of March 15, 2023)
- -Nothing Follows-
College Entrance Examinees
The online application and submission of admission requirements of Incoming Freshmen, Transferees, and Second Coursers are already CLOSED.
Here’s the list of eligible student applicants for the College Admission Examination.
If your name is on the list, please take note of the following important procedures:
- Proceed to the University of Makati Employees Multipurpose Cooperative (UMEMPC), Building 1, on the day of your schedule, for the payment of the PHP 400.00 examination fee.
- Present the original copy of the receipt to the Center for Admission and Scholarship (CAS), HPSB 812.
- Secure a copy of the test permit.
Note that the date of payment should be strictly followed.
To view the list, click to expand to check the links below:
First Batch of Examinees (As of March 31, 2023)
- Batch 1 (1 of 4) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 11, 2023 - Batch 1 (2 of 4) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 12, 2023 - Batch 1 (3 of 4) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 13, 2023 - Batch 1 (4 of 4) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 14, 2023
Second Batch of Examinees (As of April 3, 2023)
- Batch 2 (1 of 2) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 17, 2023 - Batch 2 (1 of 2) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 18, 2023
Third Batch of Examinees (As of April 5, 2023)
- Batch 3 (1 of 1) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 19, 2023
Fourth Batch of Examinees (As of April 14, 2023)
- Batch 4 (1 of 2) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 20, 2023 - Batch 4 (2 of 2) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 25, 2023
Fifth and Last Batch of Examinees (As of April 21, 2023)
- Batch 5 (1 of 3) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 25, 2023 - Batch 5 (2 of 3) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 26, 2023 - Batch 5 (3 of 3) AY 2023-2024 Eligible Applicants for Admission Examination
Payment of Exam Fee: April 27, 2023
—– Nothing Follows —–
Once you settled the examination fee, you will be issued an Examination or Test Permit indicating your date and other details of your examination.
After you took an examination or UMak Admission Test on May 2023*, stay tuned for the result of your exam and further instructions for the next step of your admission process.
*Exact date to be announced/indicated on your test permit
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
My name is not in the list. Why?
These are the probable reasons why your name is not included in the list of examinees:
- You did NOT submit your admission requirements.Please be reminded that if you successfully submitted your admission requirements in the Google form link, a reply saying “Your responses have been recorded…” would be received.Please note that the instruction was to submit in the Google form link ONLY and NOT through the email. The submission was scheduled from February 20 to March 24, 2023.
- You submitted UNCLEAR or INCOMPLETE requirements.
Please recheck the PDF file you submitted or attached in the Google form link if those were clear or complete. - You were classified as a Non-Makati applicant and you did not meet the GWA requirement of 90.00% or higher.These are the parameters to be classified as a Non-Makati applicant:
A. You were NOT a graduate of any Makati Public Schools.
B. You were a Makati resident (18 years old and above) who did not submit your latest voter’s certification (released in 2022-2023) . Your voter’s certification is needed, and NOT your parents’ or siblings’ voter’s certification.
C. You were a Makati resident (17 years old and below) who did not submit the latest voter’s certification (released in 2022-2023) of your parents or siblings.Your guardian’s voter’s certification is not allowed, unless an affidavit of guardianship is presented. - Your Report Card has NO Academic Year.
- You were a Grade 12 graduate of 2018 to 2022.
Verification that your Grade 12 card was not yet submitted to other Colleges/Universities is needed.
Please be reminded that these should have been done during the online submissions (February 20 to March 24, 2023) and not after the deadline.
Processes and list of requirements can be seen in the UMak website, email received after a successful online application and email verification, and UMak Facebook posts.
Also, Makati voters are the priority. However, following instructions still plays an essential role in being part of the list of examinees.
For queries, please visit the Center for Admission and Scholarship at HPSB 812, from Monday to Friday (except holidays), 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
I submitted my requirements early, why I am not included in the list?
Regardless of the earliest possible date of submission, there are many considerations to be made for an applicant to be included in the list of examinees, such as:
- Complete and error-free information provided on the application form and other submitted requirements and;
- Compliance with the General Weighted Average (GWA) or Grade requirement
If you believe that you have complied with these, there’s a possibility for you to get included. Send a message to for clarifications from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (except holidays).
I am not available to pay on-site on my date of payment, what should I do?
If the applicant is not available on the date of payment, only your parent/guardian is allowed to pay the examination fee on your behalf. Prepare also these documents upon payment of your parent/guardian:
- Authorization Letter – indicating the name of the applicant, your parent/guardian as an authorized representative, and your full name and signature.
- Photocopy or printed copy of valid IDs of the applicant and the guardian. Take note that ID cards captured via smartphone will not be honored.
Read more about the list of valid IDs here.
Please also take note that the name of the applicant should be indicated in the receipt, not the authorized representative.
How much is the examination fee?
The examination fee costs PHP 400.00.
Do you accept digital wallet or online banking as a mode of payment for examination fee.
As of now, you can pay your examination fee on the University of Makati Multi-purpose Cooperative on-site.
We are trying our best to look for better digital payment solution to cater these kinds of transaction in the future.
Am I allowed to pay aside from the assigned date of my payment?
There’s a limited number of examinees we can process per day. We recommend following the date of your examination fee payment. If you are not available, please refer to these FAQs listed on this page.
I am included in the list and settled my payment, what would be the coverage of the entrance examination, and how could I prepare?
The Readiness Test for College and Universities (RTCU) of UMak Admission Test covers Senior High School English, Math, and Science.
During the date of your examination indicated on your test permit, please bring the following:
- -Your examination/test permit itself;
- -No. 2 pencil;
- -1 long brown envelop;
- -1 long white folder, and
- -At least 2 bond papers for math computation.
Proceed to the examination room indicated on your test permit 15 minutes before the examination.
Until what batch of examinees will be posted/announced?
Our team from the Center for Admissions and Scholarship (CAS) entertained and screened a thousand applicants, therefore usually, there’s no certain number of the batch to be released not until the processing of applications is completed.
As of April 21, 2023, the fifth and last batch of examinees for the Academic Year 2023-2024 has been posted.
We recommend you follow UMak Admissions’ Facebook page and visit for the latest announcements and release of results.
Is UMak still accepting Senior High School, College applicants?
The online registration and submission of requirements for next school year, Academic Year 2023-2024 for incoming Grade 11 has ended on February 19, 2023. Meanwhile, for Incoming College Freshmen, Transferees, and Second Coursers ended on March 24, 2023.
For more updates on the next schedule, follow and
What are the basis to be included in the list of examinees?
There are many considerations, and factors to be included in the list of examinees released, such as:
- Completeness and error-free of the details indicated in the application form;
- Completeness and error-free attached and submitted requirements;
- Compliance with the General Weighted Average (GWA) or Grade requirements; and
- The date and time of submission of the applicant of all of these requirements.
If you believe that you have completed all of these, there’s a probability for you to get included.
I am non-makati applicant, what will be my chance of being enlisted as examinees?
The University of Makati accepts non-Makati applicants, given that their grades/General Weighted Average (GWA) must be equivalent to 90% or higher.
I am Makati-resident applicant, what will be my chance of being enlisted as examinees?
The University of Makati accepts Makati-resident applicants, given that you/the applicant complies the following:
- The applicant is a graduate of any Makati public junior/senior high school.
- Otherwise, the applicant presented the latest voter’s certification (for 18 years old and above) or parents/siblings’ voter’s certification (if below 18 years old).
If the applicant has no voter’s certification from parents/siblings, an Affidavit of Guardianship from DSWD must be presented by the applicant.
For my information, again, how to compute my General Weighted Average (GWA)?
As indicated on the Google form used on the application and submission of requirements, here’s how you need to know:
For Graduating Senior High School Students, compute your Grade 11 GWA
Grade 11 GWA = (1st Semester GWA + 2nd Semester) / 2
For Senior High School Completers/Graduates, compute for the Average of your Grades 11 and 12 GWA
Example: Grade 11 GWA: 90; Grade 12 GWA: 92; 90 + 92 = 182; 182 / 2 = 91; Average of Grades 11 and 12 GWA = 91
For Transferees, compute your GWA of all semesters attended.
For OLD Curriculum Transferees, compute your GWA of all the semesters attended. Take note that OLD Curriculum College Transferees must have at least 2 years or 4 semesters of tertiary education
For 2nd coursers, use the final GWA reflected in your Transcript of Records (TOR)
For ALS Passers, use your passing rate reflected in your ALS Certificate of Rating
How can I follow up my application?
When all batches of examinees have been listed and you cannot find your name, you can send a message for your inquiries on
The University of Makati (UMak) is a locally funded university of the local government of Makati and is recognized by Commission on Higher Education. Learn More