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Registration Of Students
Enrollment of Freshmen
STEP 1: Download the Disclosure of Medical Condition Form from https://umak.edu.ph/assets/pdf/DISCLOSURE-OF-MEDICAL-CONDITION.pdf and accomplish the form then submit to [email protected].
NOTE: For non-Higher School ng UMak (non-HSU) graduates, access and fill the Residency Verification Form (RVF) here and submit it together with a clear scanned/captured copy of the needed document/s to [email protected].
STEP 2: Submit the following enrollment requirements in a long plastic envelope to the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) upon enrollment
- Original Copy of Notice of Admission
- Original Copy of Form 137-A for University of Makati
- Original Copy of Form 138/Grade 12 Report Card
- Original Copy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Original Copy of NCAE Results (if available)
- Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate
- Long white folder
- 1 recent 2×2 ID picture with name tag, white background
STEP 3: OUR evaluates submitted enrollment requirements. If incomplete, enrollment for the second semester will be on hold.
STEP 4: Go to umak.edu.ph/olea.
For HSU-graduates, input the username and password sent to UMak e-mail account.
For non-HSU graduates/graduates from other schools, click the “For Freshmen/Transferees click here” button.
- Input Registration Number, Last Name and Date of Birth correctly. A UMak email account will appear on screen together with a temporary password.
- Log-in to gmail.com using the UMak email account to get username and password as log-in credentials and go back to OLEA (umak.edu.ph/olea) to continue the enrollment process.
STEP 5: Encoding: Log-in at umak.edu.ph/olea.
STEP 6: Read the Reminders for enrollment.
STEP 7: Once done, click the “I understand and agree with the terms and conditions mentioned above” button.
STEP 8: Select first an NSTP section then click “Block Section”. Choose and review the indicated class schedule then click Submit Block Section and Submit. To remove a subject/class schedule, click the X button. A pop-up will show confirming the deletion.
STEP 9: Review the enrolled subjects then click the “Save Schedule” button.
STEP 10: Wait for the approval of the College.
STEP 11: Assessment. Navigate through the OLEA and perform one of the following:
- If eligible for a token fee exemption, click the “Apply for Tuition/Token Fee Exemption” button. Information on the type, requirements, and procedures will be displayed to serve as reference. Limited type of token fee exemption is available for incoming freshmen.
- If not eligible to any of the type of token fee exemption, proceed to online payment through UMak Scan-to-Pay.
- Note: Check the details of the online assessment.
STEP 12: Payment using UMak Scan-to-Pay. Pay the tuition/token fee in full or partial – at least Php 500 for Makati resident and Php 1,500 for non-Makati resident, and pay the miscellaneous fees in full using GCash-IBayad.
STEP 13: Input all needed payment details to UMak Scan-to-Pay at http://umak.edu.ph/scantopay. A video tutorial may be accessed through https://youtu.be/n8MsfS7nDnw. The portal is only open every 8:00am-3:00pm from Mondays to Fridays.
SEP 14. Wait for the Certificate of Registration (COR) that will be emailed after 24 to 72 hours by the Information and Technology Center (ITC).
STEP 15. Print and download the COR. Present it to the professors on the first day of classes. Only those with COR are considered officially enrolled.
Enrollment of Current/Continuing Students
STEP 1: Encoding. Log-in at umak.edu.ph/olea. The enrollment credentials-username and password are indicated in the Online Report of Grades (OLROG). For returnees, secure the password from the Office of the University Registrar.
STEP 2: Read the Reminders for enrollment. Once done, click the “I understand and agree with the terms and conditions mentioned” above button.
STEP 3: Select first an NSTP section then click “Block Section”. Choose and review the indicated class schedule then click “Submit Block Section” and Submit. To remove a subject/class schedule, click the “X” button. A pop-up will show confirming the deletion.
STEP 4: Review the enrolled subjects then click the “Save Schedule” button.
STEP 5: Wait for the approval of the College.
STEP 6: Assessment. Check the details of the online assessment. Click “Apply for Scholarship/Promissory Note”.
If eligible, click “Apply for Online Token Fee Exemption”. If not, proceed to online payment through http://umak.edu.ph/scantopay.
STEP 7: Payment using UMak Scan-to-Pay. Pay the tuition/token fee in full or partial – at least Php 500 for Makati resident and Php 1,500 for non-Makati resident, and pay the miscellaneous fees in full using GCash-IBayad.
STEP 8: Go to UMak Scan-to-Pay at http://umak.edu.ph/scantopay. and encode the payment details. Please note that Scan-To-Pay is only open at 8:00am-3:00pm fro Mondays to Fridays.
STEP 9: Print and download the COR. The Certificate of Registration (COR) will be emailed after 24 to 72 hours by the Information and Technology Center (ITC).
Present it to the professors on the first day of classes. Only those with COR are considered officially enrolled.
Change of Matriculation
STEP 1: Access Online Change of Matriculation (OLCMAT): https://umak.edu.ph/olcmat/
STEP 2: Click “X” to drop the course or “CAN BE ENROLLED” in the curriculum to add.
STEP 3: Click “Save Change of Matriculation” and log-out.
STEP 4: Log-in again and wait for the approval of the OUR within the day.
STEP 5: If Change of Matriculation is approved with payment, proceed to umak.edu.ph/scantopay to pay your Change of Matriculation fee.
STEP 6: The Official Change of Matriculation Form will be sent to your UMak Email Account within 24 hours after payment
STEP 7: Print the Official Change of Matriculation Form and attach to C.O.R.
- A student may add or cancel a course or transfer to other sections provided that the request for change is based on valid reasons and within the prescribed period only.
- Dropping of courses must be done not later than a week after the midterm examination. The student shall be marked Officially Dropped (O.D.).
- Check the updated/current Academic Calendar used to take note of important dates.
Withdrawal of Credentials and Enrollment
STEP 1: Prepare a Letter of Intent addressed to the Dean of the College and cite reason/s for withdrawal of enrollment.
STEP 2: Send a copy of the approved letter to the Admissions Office and Registrar.
STEP 3: Proceed to the Accounting Office for cancellation of assessment.
STEP 4: Submit the approved letter with clearance to the Accounting Office and return to the Office of the Registrar the issued Student ID to receive credentials.
- Students who withdraw their enrollment within their first semester shall have their credentials returned.
- Students who withdraw their enrollment after the first semester can withdraw their credentials provided there are no units earned. The students need to apply for clearance.
Leave of Absence (LOA)
Terms & Procedures
- A student who files for LOA should seek permission and approval from all his respective teachers and Dean of the College.
- Any student who leaves the college without the said approved LOA shall be denied readmission except for a meritorious reason as cases to be determined by the Dean of the College.
Request for School Credentials
STEP 1: Access the Online Transactions and Request for Appointment System (OLTRA): umak.edu.ph/appointment and select “Request” for Application for School Records.
STEP 2: Enter “Student No.” or “N/A” and click Verify.
STEP 3: Select the type of document you want to request.
STEP 4: Verify from email. Make sure to use a valid and accessible email to avoid any inconveniences. Verify the email at within 30 minutes of receipt.
STEP 5: Open email account and check the email from UMAK ITC SUPPORT.
STEP 6: Click “Verify your email address”.
STEP 7: Wait for 90 processing days and check email for claim stub.
STEP 8: Print and Save Claim Stub.
STEP 9: Return on the scheduled date based on claim stub and show valid ID.
STEP 10: Purchase Documentary Stamps.
STEP 11: Pay the corresponding fee at the Cash Office.
STEP 12: Return to the Registrar’s Office and submit the purchased documentary stamps and receipt.
STEP 14: Sign on the receiving log book.
STEP 15: Receive and check the records’ quality.
- Required forms for requesting Transcript of Records, True Copy of Grades, Diploma, Certificate of Graduation and Certification of Candidacy for Graduation are available at the Office of the University Registrar. These credentials will be issued only after a student is cleared of all financial obligations from the University and all other requirements are complied with.
- Official Transcripts of Records are sent to the school where the student has enrolled in upon the request of that school. This must not be hand carried unless authorized by the Registrar in exceptional and urgent cases. Otherwise, they must be sent directly from the Office of the University Registrar to the school in which the student wishes his credit be transferred.
- Transcripts of Records for employment or evaluation are so indicated. They may be hand carried when it is not a valid transfer credential. As attested by the Registrar, these are complete and accurate records of the student’s academic record. Transcript of Records cannot be released unless the original high school Form 137-A or the Transcript of Records from the student’s previous institution attended is on file at the Office of the University Registrar.
- No diploma or certificate of graduation can be released unless the student has completed all the requirements for his course.
- Failing grades and incomplete grades are indicated on the Transcript of Records even if repeated and passed, or removed.
Definition of Terms
- Transcript of Records (TOR) is a document that contains student’s information and record of grades. This is commonly requested for various purposes such as employment, board examination, and evaluation.
- Transfer Credentials or Honorable Dismissal is a document certifying that a student has no pending accountabilities with the school and is eligible for transfer to another educational institution.
- Certification – The Certification (Graduation, Enrollment, English as Medium of Instruction, General Weighted Average, Units Earned, Special Order Exemption) serves as formal attestation or confirmation of a student’s record.
- Certification, Authentication, Verification (CAV) serves as endorsement of the school to CHED, DFA, and other requesting agencies.
- Leave of Absence (LOA) – The Leave of Absence is filed by students who cannot continue their studies for a maximum period of one year. Check the University Calendar for the application period.
- Form 137-A – Permanent record of a High School student.
- Authentication for Student Records – Certifies that the document originated or submitted at the Office of the University Registrar.
The University of Makati (UMak) is a locally funded university of the local government of Makati and is recognized by Commission on Higher Education. Learn More